
How to Sync Zotero with a Box Sync Enterprise Account

  • So the University of Utah provides us with 50 GB of storage with Box Sync.
  • Box Sync supports webdav natively.
  • On another note I use Zotero for my citation management.
  • The great thing about Zotero is that it allows your to store your library on your own webdav.

Combining the above I am able to store my entire Zotero library (~1.5 GB and counting) on Box Sync! Here are the steps:

Create an External Password for Box Sync

For Enterprise accounts like those provided by Universities, you MUST create what box calls an “External Password”. Do the following:

  • Login to your box account in a browser
  • Go to your profile (upper right where your name is shown)
  • Scroll to the bottom of that page and create the external password

Link Zotero to Box WebDav

  • Go to Zotero->Preferences
  • Choose the Sync Tab
  • For File Syncing choose WebDav
  • For URL: Choose
  • For username: Choose your enterprise or university login credentials

and you’re done!

Zotero Box Sync

UPDATE: If your zotero folder is not syncing with box, see this article.

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