Presentation for conference paper AIAA-2010-4288 in June 2010.
Month: April 2015
Pressure Integration of the Navier-Stokes Equations
Invited talk given at the University of Utah as part of the CRSIM (Combustion and Reaction SIMulation) group meetings.
Arches Panorama
Quadrature Methods for Numerical Integration
A summary of quadrature methods for numerical integration. Serves as a great introduction to quadrature methods and could be used as the basis for moment methods.
The Maximum Entropy Method for Reconstructing Density Distributions
A summary of using the maximum entropy principle from information theory to reconstruct a PDF (or other distributions) given a finite number of moments. This is quite useful especially when using the method of moments in population balances or related stochastic transport processes. The document also includes some results from my code for reconstructing some bimodal and trimodal Gaussian distributions, beta, and log-normal distributions.